Your pathway to transcendence
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The Steps of Your Transcendence  
April 18, 2024
Special note: I’m offering a session special for the first time in quite a while.  My NorthStar reading is available for 70$ instead of $100.  It’s an in-person reading with an added written component.  If you’d like a look at your year ahead or have a few important questions, this might be a good time for a NorthStar Reading.  For more information, email me at

Dear Transcender,

I came across something I wrote back in 1998 or so.  I’d been thinking about the steps of human transcendence, wondering if it could be looked at as certain gateway qualities that lead to transcendence as one progressed through them or integrated them.  I thought it might be sort of a pathway of personal transformation.  

Here’s what I came up with at the time.  It still seems very worth pondering where I fall in the integration of these qualities.  You too?



The conscious effort to overcome
habitual separateness
by practicing allowance
for the nature, beliefs, and behaviors of others
Becoming willing to gain knowledge of another
with this knowledge leading to


A consequence of willingness and knowledge
allowing the heart to be touched
promoting respect and growth into


Loving action expressive of the
commonality of human experience
that strikes the chord of


Which is not the elimination of differences but
the organization of differences
along the line of


The all inclusive judgeless Love, embracing
individuals and groups of individuals but
moving beyond families and friends and countries
An active Love, working always
for the uplifting of the greater whole
and achieving


Which is not uniformity but
individuated integration
For in unity there is diversity
in the understanding that
each part is vital to the
integrity of an emerging whole.
Unification at the level of the Soul is
the action that promotes


The inspired gathering together of
the separate elements
that form the whole
And the bringing of the whole
into the active Divine expression of


The ultimate doorway
through which all of life passes
to merge with the One Infinite Life
wherein the highest of promise and purpose
is brought into fulfillment and


Which is the fulfillment of the Soul over time
in the promised enfolding back into
the origin of its own conception.

~ Mayet Leilani ~

Copyright Notice:  All Rights Reserved: MA HULILI. Please feel free to forward or make copies of this message and distribute it in any media you wish so long as you do not alter it in any way, do not charge for it, kindly credit the author, MA HULILI, and include this copyright notice when possible. 

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