Bliss, bliss, bliss, bliss, bliss!
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Two AHAs From My Recent Walk with Holy Vigil  
January 18, 2024
Dear Bliss generator,

This week two people have asked if I was still doing NorthStar readings and I realized I haven’t offered them in ages.  So I thought I'd go back to my January tradition of offering those the first couple months of the year at a discount price.  They are in either written form or face-to-face on ZOOM together.  The written is usually $130 but is $100 during this special.  The Zoom one is usually $100 but is $75 during this special.  If you would like a NorthStar Reading, just email me at and I’ll tell you how to proceed.

Do you remember I suggested you might join me in holding and sitting in vigil over the holidays?  Well, I’ve been working with this since then and I’ve had a couple of amazing AHAs about that.

1) I realized that sitting in vigil is not really the point. That makes it a practice which is part of what created the ego sense of vigilance we’ve suffered under in the first place. Holding holy vigil isn’t a meditation for a singular period of time.  

It’s a daily walk. And that walk is a return.  The return home to Self. And that return home that we do again and again, vigilantly, is actually a celebration, an elation, a bliss, like coming home to the one you love most deeply.

2) Discovering the bliss of vigilance, that’s the second AHA and it’s a big one! This is especially noticeable when something has disturbed my equilibrium to any degree.  I immediately say aloud, “Before I react, before I deal with or think about this, I first surrender with quiet and determined vigilance to the core of who I am, the light of my being.” Or other words such as this.

I feel the shift begin right away.   AND it is such a relief every single time - it’s bliss! The problem then continues with its jangle - while I’m dealing with it - but now it is buffered. And most importantly, I am now steadying the problem instead of the problem unsteadying me.  Because the problem’s enfolded now in the holy vigil of home.  This is huge, don’t you agree? I can work from there then.  Working from home.

I’ve been coming to understand a whole new idea of vigilance and I’m liking it a LOT!  I didn’t think I’d take to the word vigilance in this way, but I’m loving it.

I can’t wait for my next moment of return and the bliss and relief in it.  The fact that “vigilance" has shifted in my understanding and that this is integrating within me feels like a wondrous miracle!

I think it is making an act of devotion of my life.  You know that Buddhist idea of being mindful while chopping wood and carrying water?  This up levels that.  Helping each choice I make in the day become an act of devotion, as I return, vigilant to my true self, and thus igniting my day with that potential.  The spark of bliss I feel each time I return feeds my day in amazing ways.  A miracle, like I said.

Sharing the awesomeness of this,
With love,
Mayet Leilani

Copyright Notice:  All Rights Reserved: MA HULILI. Please feel free to forward or make copies of this message and distribute it in any media you wish so long as you do not alter it in any way, do not charge for it, kindly credit the author, MA HULILI, and include this copyright notice when possible. 

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