Connecting beyond the veil
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Conversations With Loved Ones Who Have Passed  
February 8, 2024

Article Highlights:
  • The joke is on me
  • Connections beyond boundaries

Special note: I’m offering a session special for the first time in quite a while.  My NorthStar reading is available for 70$ instead of $100.  It’s an in-person reading with an added written component.  If you’d like a look at your year ahead or have a few important questions, this might be a good time for a NorthStar ReadingEmail me at for more information.

Hello again, as we continue to explore messages from beyond the “veil.”

This is a 5-part series, so you might want to print and save each part.  Today I’m sharing my first connection with Art, a friend who passed a couple of years ago.  I connected with him 6-9 months after he died.  He first came to me for healing work, in a very vivid dream.  The dream surprised me with the strength and profound results of it.  As you will read below, that is part of his “job” where he resides now.   You’ll also see that my own spiritual ideas got called out, and the “joke” was on me.

My friend Art

What is the dimension where you reside? I reside in the dimension relative to those who have recently passed from the earth plane, it is 5th dimensional with input and access to many dimensions and this place is transitional in nature though one may reside here at great length before moving on.

What is your name from your last incarnation?  Here, he first gave his full name as I knew him.  But, interestingly, he added a name from another lifetime:  “Before that,” he said, “I was Silas Barber. “

Describe where you presently exist, give one precept that defines that dimension.  “Within the place mentioned, I reside in a beautiful nature place of my own conception.  One “law” that rules this dimension is that negative energy cannot be indulged in, it exists here only in carefully designed places where it is always in the process of being purified, or healed.  If this was not the case, this place could not exist for the uplifting of lives in transition from human earth existence.”

Do you have a purpose? Yes, I have designed this place of natural beauty as a space where I assist young people to adjust and learn… those recently crossing over.  I am a wisdom carrier and we gather around an outdoor fire that’s representative of the sacred flame of the heart residing in each person present.  The fire in fact radiates this frequency of the violet flame in its dancing energy. (Note: thus the cartoon campfire I made for this week’s picture.)

How would you define your current duties?  My purpose is to help souls in their transitions.  My job or duty is as described above.  In addition, I am learning to help those on the earth plane who - though not in the transition of death - are in transition from one self to another through various processes of healing and expanded understanding.  

For those living, I help like a midwife who skillfully intuits, for instance, how to help a babe into the correct position for birth.  I am learning to see adjustments that can greatly help one while on earth.  

It was in this way that I came to you in a dream to facilitate your permission to feel the immensity of an experience you have had.  Your goodness of heart would not allow you to criticize others involved, but it was best for you to do so, to allow the pain to be better known, felt and processed.  It was a most successful work together, wouldn’t you say? At this point he and I had a very interesting discussion about this.  It’s too lengthy to share today but it was extremely interesting as well as useful for me.

What is the most important message that you can give me today?   Feel the greatness of your soul for you are one whose praises are sung in ballads and stories on high.  Feel the greatness of that which you be, dear friend.


You can quickly see the benefit of forging such a connection, right?  I should mention that I loved this friend dearly and thought him a beautiful soul.  BUT I had a somewhat unconscious feeling that he was not as spiritually “evolved” as others because he smoked, liked two beers after dinner, and enjoyed a couple hours of gambling at the nearby res on Sunday mornings.  It didn’t really affect my love for him but I realized in these dialogues after his passing, that the joke was on me in fact!

I came to understand that he was actually a very advanced being who came here to serve the mission of his father and, later, the woman who became his wife. His father was a somewhat difficult man with an advanced spiritual mission as a healer.  He was a medical doctor who traveled the world teaching about natural healing.  The father did not appreciate or treat his son well.   Art none-the-less served his father’s mission with compassion and dedication, making his father’s career possible.

He continued this selfless service for his beloved wife, my dear friend, serving her career which was also that of a world-renown healer.  He never put himself above either of them and served so humbly and beautifully.  This was part of why I loved him so. He adored and served her as his own greatest joy well into his 80’s before he left this planet.  And he was so very loved and appreciated by her.

In our post earth-life dialogues, I understood that he was in fact a very great being who came to serve the work of others when he could easily have had an “important” spiritual life himself.  He said he’d already done that more than once and this time just wanted to facilitate the lifting up of other’s missions and the healing for this planet.  

Of his drinking, smoking and gambling he said, “Well, since I was going to serve other’s spiritual missions, I thought I’d be on a bit of a “vacation” myself and indulge moderately in a few of earth’s delights,” which he said with a wink before adding, “or vises as you might be tempted to say.”  It was true that his indulgences were always minimal, never excessive.

We had a good laugh about the perceptions spiritual people can have re: what matters and how the ego (my own in this case, lol) wants to create a hierarchy and grade how everyone else is doing spiritually.  Isn’t this a great lesson!!  

It’s so much fun to commune beyond boundaries - that’s how I think of it, really.  Beyond boundaries of dimension, beyond the boundaries our mind or our world has set up.  Beyond the limitations those ideas create.  It’s a wonderful way to facilitate our own growth as well.

Next week, I have a real treat for us here. I’ll be sharing my connection with my dear friend who was a channel.  And my connection with the being she channeled, Zarathustra.  Until then, may your connections beyond boundaries expand in clarity and wisdom.  That is my prayer.


Copyright Notice:  All Rights Reserved: MA HULILI. Please feel free to forward or make copies of this message and distribute it in any media you wish so long as you do not alter it in any way, do not charge for it, kindly credit the author, MA HULILI, and include this copyright notice when possible. 

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